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Disease: Prevention & Natural Treatment of Stroke

A stroke occurs when the blood supply to your brain is suddenly cut off (known as ischemic stroke) or when a blood vessel in your brain bursts (known as hemorrhagic stroke).
As a result of ischemic stroke, brain cells and tissue are deprived of oxygen and nutrients, which causes them to die within several minutes. In hemorrhagic stroke, bleeding causes the brain to swell and press against the skull.

Symptoms of Stroke
Symptoms of stroke include:
sudden numbness, weakness, or paralysis (especially on one side of the body)
trouble with walking (including loss of balance or coordination)
difficulty speaking or understanding speech
sudden blurred or double vision
severe headache accompanied by a stiff neck, vomiting, or facial pain

Who's at Risk for Stroke?
Risk factors for stroke include:
high blood pressure
high cholesterol
cardiovascular disease
family history of cardiovascular disease
being age 55 or older
cigarette smoking
Stroke is a medical emergency which requires prompt and aggressive mainline treatment with positive follow up and after care to prevent permanent damage and disability. The natural cures and remedies suggested will help with this rehabilitation and a positive mental attitude towards the problem.

In order for stroke to be successfully treated - and for doctors to minimize the potential for severe damage or disability - it's critical to seek immediate medical attention upon experiencing stroke symptoms.
Treatment of ischemic stroke involves addressing the blood clot causing the problem, while treatment of hemorrhagic stroke involves stopping the bleeding.
Natural Ways to Prevent Stroke
Following a healthy diet, exercising regularly, managing your stress (with relaxing practices such as yoga or meditation, for instance), keeping your blood pressure and cholesterol in check, and maintaining a healthy weight can help lower your risk of stroke.
So far, scientific support for the claim that any remedy can prevent stroke is lacking.

Stroke Symptoms
Early Stroke symptoms can include sudden weakness or paralysis affecting one side of the body, visual disturbances including loss of vision on one side or blurring of vision, speech problems, dizziness, swallowing problems and headache. If untreated the condition may become permanent. Stroke is often a consequence of high blood pressure, diabetes, or hardening of the arteries
The early symptoms may remain but for most patients there should be some improvement. However many stroke patients have Mobility Problems, I mean difficulty to walk

 Stroke Types
Stroke occurs in 3 forms, Embolic Stroke, Haemorrhagic Stroke and Transient Ischaemic Attack.
Embolic Stroke (Brain Clot)
Embolic ischaemic stroke (brain clot) occurs if there is a blockage of an artery in the brain by a clot (embolism). This is usually a blood clot, but may be fat globules in the case of a long limb fracture.
Haemorrhagic Stroke (Brain Bleed)
Haemorrhagic stroke (brain bleed) if there is a bleed from a weakened or malformed artery (this a common cause of subarachnoid haemorrhage). The weakness or malformation ruptures due to a spike of high blood pressure.     Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA)
Transient ischaemic attack (TIA) is due to a temporary disruption due to spasm or some other problem of the artery which resolves restoring the blood supply and relieving the symptoms.
Now let's go into treatment proper

Herbal Medicine for Stroke

Ginkgo Biloba - prevention and treatment of stroke
THAT PLANT IS VERY POPULAR, most people plant it just for beautification but do not know the medicinal purpose
 Ginkgo biloba is used both to prevent and treat stroke. It helps to prevent blood clots from developing and increases blood uflow to the brain. This herb has also been shown to inhibit free-radical formation.
Ginkgo is widely used in Europe to treat complications of stroke, including memory and balance problems, vertigo and disturbed thought processes. AFRICANS ARE NOW BEGINNING TO SEE THE USE OF THIS PLANT.                                  Many studies show that this herb increases blood flow to the brain.
Ginkgo also helps reduce fragility of the capillaries. (Capillaries are the tiny blood vessels that fan throughout your body.) This can help prevent hemorrhagic stroke.
European physicians often prescribe an extract of ginkgo leaves for stroke survivors. Many doctors say that ginkgo prevents the stroke and, more importantly, it is nontoxic.
Select a product containing at least 24 percent ginkgo heterosides (sometimes called flavoglycosides) and take 40 to 80 milligrams three times daily.
Note: Seek medical advice before taking ginkgo if you are regularly taking any type of blood-thinning medication, including aspirin. In large amounts, ginkgo may cause diarrhea, irritability and restlessness.

Garlic helps prevent ischemic stroke in three ways:
Garlic reduces blood pressure
Garlic lowers cholesterol levels
Garlic is an anticoagulant.
Garlic is the best anti-clotting herb. It contains nine anticoagulant compounds. It is a major herb for heart attack prevention because of its blood-thinning effect and its ability to help control high blood pressure. These same effects also help prevent ischemic stroke.

Caution: If you have hemorrhagic stroke, stay away from garlic and its other anti-clotting herbal relatives. (Ask your doctor whether you have ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke.)
[4/8, 20:09] WL Lecturer: Use more garlic in your cooking. You can also add it in your salad. (If you are not going for an important meeting right after that!) You can also take garlic capsules or aged garlic (preferred.). Onions, scallions, leeks, chives, and shallots have similar benefits.
Dosage: Take 500 milligrams three times daily.
[4/8, 20:16] WL Lecturer: Ginger (Zingiber officinale).
Ginger is a cardiac tonic, as it decreases cholesterol and helps poor circulation. Ginger prevents blood from clotting excessively. In one Indian study, taking about two teaspoons of ginger a day for a week neutralized the blood-clotting effect of 100 grams of butter. THIS IS GREATLY HELPFUL FOR STROKE
You can use ginger in cooking, or you can brew ginger tea using one to two teaspoons of fresh grated root per cup of boiling water. Steep until cool. You can also sprinkle it in salads. It is a versatile herb.
Turmeric (Cucurma longa)
Curcumin, which is found in turmeric, helps prevent the formation of blood clots.                         Turmeric is an important herb in Ayurveda. It is also a key ingredient in Indian cooking and can be found in most curry spice blends. You might consider eating more curry dishes.

1. Changing Your Diet
This is the very first one out on the list of the most effective tips on how to treat stroke naturally at home within a short time period that we would like to introduce in the article and everyone should make use as soon as possible.
In case you suffer a stroke that suffers a blood clot, you need to pay attention to your cholesterol levels as unhealthy cholesterol amounts in the blood can lead to a clotting.
 You can gain healthy levels by changing your healthy eating habits. Avoid foods rich in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium that are not good for your blood and blood vessels. Besides, new study links consuming diet soda to an increased stroke risk and other related diseases.
Changing your diet is a miracle treatment for stroke, so try it out!

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